Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Considered the most important stone for the heart and heart chakra, rose quartz helps to teach the true essence of love, purifying and opening the heart at all levels while bringing deep inner healing and self love. An excellent stone for gently comforting grief at the end of a relationship, it also is excellent for use in trauma and crisis. If you are looking for a stone that restores trust and harmony in existing relationships you should consider rose quartz.
Rose quartz can assist in restoring trust and harmony, gently drawing off negative energy and replacing it with loving vibrations, it is considered by many as the finest of healers. Rose quartz believes in self-love as a necessary tool to attract love, this stone helps to teach how to love yourself, and accept all aspects of self. It is said that if rose quartz is placed by the bed or relationship corner of a home it will attract love and relationships. Magnifying creativity and imagination, this is a good stone to assist with writing, art and music.