Discover the timeless connection between ancient wisdom and natural beauty with our...
FLASH SALE/ BARGAIN BIN Find the best deals here! Marked down prices,...
Snatch up our ultimate bestsellers and Manifest and wealth, health, protection, love.
Find all of our Crystal bracelets here!
Check out our pre-chosen bundles and get instant savings! You may refer...
Bracelets with bead sizes over 12mm!
Flash sale items! all are brand new but fixed size and...
Personalize your own Crystal Space! Decorate and cleanse your space with our...
These double layer creations are truly beautiful and uniquely created by our...
Our evil eye bracelet collection is a good starter crystal for protection...
This Rosary Bracelet is a one decade rosary meant to be worn...
A collection of different combinations that help promote good health
JIBUN - One's Self, Myself SEKAI - The world, the society, the...
A collection of different combinations that help in romance, self-love, family, and...
Feel special with out men's collection
Beautifully handcrafted Multi-Layer Crystals! Use this crystal accessory as a Necklace, Choker, or...
Crystals in this collection are said to have properties of protection.