Crystal Cheat Sheet π
Agate β strength and courage, eliminates negative energy
Angelite β sprituality and awareness
Aquamarine β fearlessness and courage, protection, happiness
Apatite β Appetite depressant, enhance insight and creativity
Amazonite - helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma
Amethyst β master healer, insomnia, alleviates stress and depression, curing of nightmares, emotional issues
Aventurine β Attracts abundance and luck, strengthens relationships, taps heart chakra
Arfvedsonite - relieve nightmares or substitute fear during sleep
African Bloodstone β protection and abundance
Black Onyx β protection stone, transforms negative energy to positive
Bloodstone Jasper - a stone of courage and wisdom, noble sacrifice, and altruistic character
Blue Lace Agate β inner peace, optimism, happiness
Botswana Agate β helps fight addiction, anti depressant
Bronzite - promotes clarity and certainty of thinking and actions
Calcite - Encourage responsibility in leadership
Carnelian β motivation, creativity, vitality, happiness, passion
Chalcedony β communication stone, public speaking,reduce fear
Chrysocolla β brings harmony and increases wisdom
Citrine β MY BIAS STONE! :D, all in one, health, wealth, protection, positivity, enlightenment
Clear Quartz β master healer, amplifies other crystals
Crazy Lace Agate β increase concentration and focus
Dragon Blood Jasper β courage, strength, and vitality
Golden healer β healing, mental clarity
Eagle Eye β helps control emotions, gives self confidence
Fire Quartz β Passion, healing, inspiration
Flourite β mental order, clarity and wisdom, improves decision making
Garnet β reduces toxins, ignites passion with partner, revitalize the body, mind, and spirit
Garden Quartz - balances the spirit, mind, and body
Hematoid Quartz β combination of healing and passion
Hemimorphite - Β help you communicate your thoughts and express your emotions better.
Hematite β removes toxins, strength, endurance and vitality
Howlite β calms emotions, facilitate awareness, prevents anger
Hypersthene β also known as the money stone
Jade - gentleness, serenity, harmony, and balance. Promotes strength, luck, and good health.
Jasper β βsupreme nurturerβ. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy.
Kunzite β Connects the mind and the heart, attracts loving spiritual relationships
Kyanite β dispels blockages, balances yin and yan
Larvikite - dispel negative energies from both the physical and etheric bodies
Lava β alleviates anxiety and emotional tranquility and grounding
Lepidolite - stone of calm and balance, promoting serenity and good cheer. It will work to clear away negative emotions such as anger and fear.
Lapis Lazuli β self expression, communication, objectivity, clarity
Labradorite β companion for change, protection stone
Malachite β encourages healthy relationships, overcomes fear, stone of love (powerful)
Mexican Agate β clear energy blockages
Mookaite β nurturing and supporting stone, helps accept change
Moonstone β nourishing, sensual, deeply feminine energy, stone of mother moon, promotes fertility
Morganite β cleanses body of stress, anxiety, and old wounds
Ocean Jasper - calming, peaceful energy
Obsidian β protection stone, cleanser of psychic smog
Opal - gentle love and kindness to all types of relationships
Optic Calcite - crystal and aura cleanser and charger
Pearl β sincerity and purity
Petrified Wood β calms the nerves, provides safety and security
Peridot - bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind
Pink Amethyst - has a cleansing energy and is known to instill feelings of understanding, calmness, trust and grace
Pyrite β attracts wealth and opportunities
Que Sera Stone β empowering stone, career and power
Rhodocrosite β opens the heart, improves self worthj, passion
Rhodonite β stone of compassion, emotional balancer
Rose Quartz β universal stone of love
Ruby β stone of divine creativity, pure love, and loyalty
Rutilated Quartz - aid in manifesting all the positive desires, channels divine inspiration
Sakura Agate β Best for love, fertility, stress, health, "reblooming" after painful or exhausting periods in life.
Sandstone β Stone of Creativity
Sapphire - wisdom, virtue, good fortune
Selenite and Satin spar β crystal and aura cleanser and charger
Sodalite β creativity, communication
Shungite β EMF protection, detoxification and purification
Strawberry Quartz β love and clarity
Smokey Quartz β neutralizes negative energies, detoxifies
Sunstone - Encourages optimism and enthusiasm, awakens consciousness
Super Seven - increase joy, harmony, and optimism
Tiger Eye β Stone for career, power, and confidence
Tourmaline (Sakura, rainbow, black) β ultimate protection stone, dissolve challenging energy and negativity
Tourmalated Quartz - protect the wearer from negative thoughts and emotions
Tree Agate / Moss Agate β helps grow business and finance
Unakite β promotes love, kindness, and compassion
Yooperlite β stone of truth and strength